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Recent Articles
Amillennialism: Why I Choose This Eschatological Viewpoint Preface Hello there! This blog post will contain quite a few eschatological, theological terms throughout (see I probably already got a few of you with ‘eschatological’). I will do my best to give brief definitions for each term in a glossary at the end of this post. You will find many and various worm holes as you begin to research any of these terms; nevertheless, I would encourage you to do your own research on each term, look at opposing viewpoints, look at supporting viewpoints, and most importantly of all, look at the scriptural evidence and passages supporting such a viewpoint.
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My Testimony
In the Beginning I grew up mostly in the Church of Christ denomination. I did visit my aunt’s Baptist church from time to time, but primarily the Church of Christ had the most Christian influence in my early years all the way to high school. My stepfather was the primary influence in our family for going to this church. We would go most Sundays and frequently on Wednesdays. I would attend VBS there during the summer.
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Infant Salvation
Infant Salvation: Are all infants saved if they perish? Abstract I have heard any infant that perishes goes to heaven but have never heard any scriptural basis for this viewpoint. Our spiritual convictions should be rooted in the Scriptures - after all Sola Scriptura. I do not recall ever explicitly reading an explicit verse calling out this spiritual conviction; so, I set out to investigate this idea for myself, document scriptural evidence for this viewpoint, and document my conclusions.
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